Loli Cries! - FAQ
How do I extract my favorite loli shout?
If you are running Linux, it's quite easy. Just use the following command: ffmpeg -i My-great-anime.avi -vn -ss 14:22.4 -t 00:00:03.230 -aq 7 -ac 2 -acodec libvorbis -y out.ogg and that's all. -ss and -t are timestamps following the format.
You can use whichever method you like (or can use) as soon as you ouput an Ogg/Vorbis file.
Note: if the video has multiple audio streams and the japanese one isn't selected, what you're searching for is certainly the -map option.
How do I extract my favorite loli pic?
On Linux – yeah, again – it's quite easy. You can use: ffmpeg -i My-great-anime.avi -ss 1094.1 -r 1 -f image2 My-great-anime.png
How do I convert my loli pic to the right resolution?
Linux answer, use ImageMagick: mogrify -resize 300x200 My-great-anime.png
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