D7200 time lapse movie crop and deflicker with ffmpeg - YouTube
Time lapse movie from D7200, lens 18-140 @ 18mm, f/11, auto ISO limit 1600, min speed limit to 1/30, exposure smoothing on, interval=6sec, movie setting 1920x1080 24fps, vignette correction off, active D off, aperture priority, matrix meter, AF then turn to MF. Total time 30min.
top frame
(1) crop to 1280x720 to remove guy that stepped into the frame
(2) deflicker to remove camera flicker
bottom frame
(1) scale to 1280x720
ffmpeg crop and deflicker
(1) test the crop position
ffplay DSC_3172.mov -vf "crop=1280:720:640:300"
(2) perform the crop
ffmpeg -i DSC_3172.mov -vf "crop=1280:720:640:300" Crop_3172.mov
(3) deflicker
ffmpeg -i Crop_3172.mov -vf deflicker DF_3172.mov
(4) scale the original movie
ffmpeg -i DSC_3172.mov -vf "scale=1280:720" scale_3172.mov
(5) overlay the two videos in a single video
ffmpeg -i DF_3172.mov -i scale_3172.mov -filter_complex "color=s=1280x1460:c=black [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [upper]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [lower]; [base] [upper] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1] [lower] overlay=shortest=1:y=740" -c:v libx264 output.mkv
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